The American Association of University Women advances equity for women and girls through advocacy, education, research, and philanthropy. AAUW was founded in 1881 and is headquartered in Washington, D.C.

As an AAUW member, you'll be proud to belong to this nationwide group of people who value education and equal rights ... who are contributing to a more promising future for women and girls across the country and beyond.

Membership is open to people of any gender who hold an associate degree or higher. Students working toward a qualifying degree may become student affiliates.

Branch membership offers friendship with like-minded people and an arena for making a positive contribution in your community. You will also get the state-level hard-copy publication California Perspective, and you can join our e-mail lists and attend our annual convention. Membership at the branch level includes California membership and National membership. The Paradise branch was chartered in 1980.

AAUW Paradise is committed to advancing lifelong educational opportunities and equity for girls and women. We will do this while providing growth opportunities and support for our members and establishing a positive visible presence on the Paradise Ridge.


For more information email us at
or write:

AAUW Paradise
P.O. Box 1585
Paradise, CA 95967-1585
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* Save the Date *
Mon, Feb 10, 5 pm
Annual Soup Supper