Satsie Veith, President; Carole Chumbler, VP
Progam; Kay Hinerman, Treasurer; Paradise AAUW Officers 2008 – 2009 Elected Officers: President: Satsie Veith President-Elect: Open Treasurer: Kay Hinerman Secretaries: Merrie McLaughlin (General); Dianne Lorenz (Board) VP EF/LAF: Connie Rogers VP Membership: Katie Rosenberg VP Program: Carole Chumbler & Sara Baz Standing Committee Chairs: Pence Scholarship: Pat Nohrnberg Hospitality: Phyllis Larsen Interest Group Coordinator: Gail Prince Newsletter Editor: Lynn Eads Public Policy: Connie Rogers Publicity: Carol Holzgrafe Bylaws: Open Education: Marygrace Colby Special Committees: Women’s History: Carole Chumbler & Carole Chantal Tech Trek: Marygrace Colby Directory: Lynn Eads Communications: Jane Lesko Web Master: Karen Hilleman Historian/Photographer: Karen Hilleman Sunshine: Laurie Baker Interbranch Representative: Satsie Veith Interbranch Secretary/Treasurer: Pat Nohrnberg, Paulette Jones
BYLAWS OF THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY WOMEN PARADISE, CALIFORNIA, BRANCH Founded 1981 ARTICLE I. NAME The name of this organization shall be the American Association of University Women, Paradise, California, Branch, hereinafter called the branch. ARTICLE II. GOVERNMENT The Charter and Bylaws of the American Association of University Women, hereinafter called the Association, shall govern this branch in all practices. The bylaws of this branch shall in no way conflict with the Charter and Bylaws of the Association. Every amendment to the Bylaws of the Association shall become effective and binding on this branch. ARTICLE III. PURPOSE The purpose of this branch shall be to unite graduates of educational institutions in order to promote equity, education, intellectual growth, individual worth and development of opportunities for women and girls. The branch shall:
ARTICLE IV. USE OF NAME Section 1. The policies and program of the Association shall be binding on all members and branches, and no member or branch shall use the name of the Association to oppose such policies or program. Established channels may be used to change a policy or program. Section. 2. The freedom of speech of the individual member to speak a personal opinion in the member’s own name is not abridged. Section 3. Reference to membership in the Association by an individual shall be interpreted as use of name in application of Section 1. Section 4. On any national matter on which the Association has no policy, the only action that may be taken by a member, branch or state in the name of the Association is to use the established channels to effect the formulation of a policy. Section 5. Violation of the use of the Association’s name shall result in: a. a member’s suspension for one year or expulsion from membership; or b. a loss of recognition of the branch. ARTICLE V. MEMBERSHIP Section 1. Individuals eligible to be admitted to membership are those holding an associate or equivalent, baccalaureate or higher degree from a qualified educational institution, a degree from a foreign institution recognized by the International Federal of University Women (IFUW), or a foreign degree acceptable as a basis for admission by graduate schools at qualified universities of the U.S.A. and who have paid dues (Association + state + branch) on or before July 1 annually. The provisions set forth in this section are the sole requirements for eligibility and admissibility for membership. Refusal to admit an eligible graduate to branch membership shall result in loss of recognition of the branch. The branch member shall be entitled to vote, hold office and participate in all branch activities and programs and receive the publications distributed to all members. Section 2. Paid life members of the Association, as defined in Association Charter and Bylaws, Article IV, Section 3a(5)(a), who are branch members are required to pay annual state and branch dues. Section 3. Any branch member who has paid Association dues for fifty (50) years shall become a Fifty Year Honor Life Member and shall thereafter be exempt from payment of Association and branch dues. Section 4. An undergraduate student enrolled in a qualified institution shall be eligible for student affiliation with the branch upon payment of fees established by the Association, state and branch board of directors. Student affiliates shall be entitled to attend branch, state and Association meetings and receive the publications distributed to all members of the Association. Affiliates may not vote or hold office. Section 5. A member whose dues remain unpaid after July 31 shall be dropped from membership.
ARTICLE VI. FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION Section 1. The fiscal year shall correspond with the Association and begin July 1. Section 2. Each member shall pay branch dues established at the annual meeting by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of those present and voting, provided written notice has been given to all members at least 30 days prior to the meeting. Section 3. Dues are payable on or before July 1. After notification of nonpayment, a member still in arrears after July 31 shall be dropped. Section 4. Payment of additional dues shall be waived for a transferring member whose current dues have been paid to another branch. Section 5. A member of one of the national organizations or federations of IFUW, whose current dues have been paid and who is spending a year or less in the U.S.A., may attend branch meetings without vote. Section 6. New members may join at any time; dues are payable upon joining. The Association and branch portions of dues paid by new members between January 1 and March 15 shall be one-half (1/2) the annual dues. State dues shall be the full annual amount. Section 7. The annual budget shall be adopted by the board of directors for presentation to and approval of the members at the September meeting. Section 8. No indebtedness in excess of fifty dollars ($50.00) over amounts provided for in the budget shall be incurred by the branch except upon a recommendation of the board of directors. Section 9. The branch shall set and maintain policies and procedures to control financial records consistent with generally accepted accounting principles and federal, state and local laws. Section 10. Insurance
ARTICLE VII. OFFICERS Section 1. The elected officers shall be a president, president-elect, vice presidents of membership, program, Educational Foundation, and Legal Advocacy Fund, secretary and treasurer. Section 2. The appointed officers shall be standing committee chairs for public policy, bylaws, publicity, hospitality, education, interest groups coordinator, international relations, newsletter editor and scholarship. They shall be appointed by the president. Section 3. There shall be special committee chairs appointed for communication, greeters, historian, photographer, women’s history, cultural events, gender equity, inter-branch representative, sunshine, Tech Trek coordinator, webmaster, women’s health, and directory. Section 4. All officers shall take office on July 1. All officers shall serve for a term of one (1) year or until their successors are elected and assume office. No elected officer shall be eligible to serve more than 2 consecutive terms in the same office; exceptions must be approved by the board of directors. Section 5. A vacancy in office, excluding the president, shall be filled for the unexpired term by vote of the board of directors. A vacancy in the office of president shall be filled by the president-elect and vice presidents in the order listed.
ARTICLE VIII. DUTIES Section 1. Officers shall perform the duties prescribed by these bylaws, branch policies and by the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised. Section 2. The president shall officially represent the branch in activities of the Association. The president shall be responsible for submitting such reports and forms as required by the Association and state by the designated deadlines and shall be responsible for the branch enrolling in the state insurance programs so that the branch will be in good standing each year with recognition and voting privileges at the state convention. Section 3. The president-elect shall act as assistant to the president and shall perform the duties of the president when the president is unable to do so. The president-elect shall perform such other duties as the president and board shall direct. Section 4. The vice presidents shall perform such duties as the president and board shall direct. Section 5. The secretary shall keep minutes of the meetings of the membership and of the board and shall perform such other duties as the president and board shall direct. Section 6. The treasurer shall be responsible for collecting, distributing and accounting for the funds of the branch. The treasurer shall collect dues and forward them to the Association and to the state at the time specified. The treasurer shall send monies for the Educational Foundation and the Legal Advocacy Fund by the specified deadlines and shall keep separate ledgers for each type of account.
ARTICLE IX. NOMINATIONS Section 1. A nominating committee of three (3) members shall be elected by the board of directors and/or branch members at least three (3) months prior to the annual meeting. Section 2. Nominating committee members shall serve for one year.
ARTICLE X. ELECTIONS Section 1. The report of the nominating committee shall be sent to every member at least two (2) weeks before the election. Section 2. Nominations may be made from the floor at the time of the election, provided consent of the nominee has been obtained. Section 3. All elections shall be held at the annual meeting. Section 4. Election shall be by ballot except that if there is only one nominee for an office it shall be by voice vote. A majority vote of those present and voting shall constitute an election.
ARTICLE XI. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Section 1. The board of directors shall be composed of the elected and appointed officers. Section 2. The board of directors shall manage and supervise the business and activities of the branch subject to the instructions of the annual meeting. It shall accept responsibility for such matters as delegated by the Association and state board. It shall have the power to create special committees and task forces as deemed necessary and to participate in interbranch council, and perform such other duties as are specified by these bylaws. Section 3. Meetings of the board shall be held at least five (5) times a year. Special meetings may be called by the president or upon the written request of three (3) members of the board. Section 4. The executive committee shall consist of the elected officers and shall not act in the interim between board meetings. The executive committee shall exercise such power and authority as may be delegated to it by the board and shall report to the board on all actions taken by it between regular meetings of the board. Section 5. The quorum of the board shall be a majority of its members, with each position entitled to one vote regardless of the number of individuals sharing the position.
ARTICLE XII. MEETINGS Section 1. There shall be at least seven (7) general membership meetings each year. Section 2. An annual meeting of the branch shall be held between February and May on a date, time and place determined by the board. Section 3. The annual meeting shall be to conduct business including but not limited to electing officers, setting dues, amending bylaws if necessary, receiving reports of officers, committees and task forces, and giving directions to the board. Section 4. Ten percent (10%) of the members of the branch shall constitute a quorum.
ARTICLE XIII. COMMITTEES Section 1. Standing committees shall be program, membership, finance, Educational Foundation, Legal Advocacy Fund, public policy, bylaws, publicity, hospitality, education, interest groups, international relations, newsletter editor and scholarship. Vice presidents chair the standing committees in their areas of responsibility; other standing committee chairs are appointed by the president with the consent of the board. Section 2. Special committees are appointed by the president with the consent of the board.
ARTICLE XIV. CONVENTIONS Delegates and alternates to the Association and state conventions, as described in Association and state bylaws, shall be elected by the branch and certified by the president.
ARTICLE VI. PROPERTY Section 1. The title of all property, funds and assets of the branch, whether incorporated or not, shall at all times be vested in the branch for the joint use of members and no member or group of members shall have any severable right to all or any part of such property. The branch shall have complete control over the acquisition, administration and disposition of its property without the consent of the Association, except that such property shall not be used for any purpose contrary to those of the Association. Section 2. In the event of the dissolution of the branch, all assets of the branch shall be transferred and delivered to an AAUW entity.
ARTICLE XVI. FORFEITURE OF BRANCH STATUS Article XIII of the Association’s Charter and Bylaws contains the provisions and conditions under which a branch may be discontinued.
ARTICLE XVII. PARLIAMENTARY AUTHORITY The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern this branch in all instances in which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these Bylaws.
ARTICLE XVIII. INDEMNIFICATION Every member of the board may be indemnified by the branch against all expenses and liabilities, including counsel fees, reasonably incurred or imposed upon such members of the board in connection with any threatened, pending or completed action, suit or proceeding to which the board member may become involved by reason of being or having been a member of the branch board or any settlement thereof, unless adjudged therein to be liable for negligence or misconduct in the performance of duties. In the event of a settlement the indemnification herein shall apply only when the branch board approves such settlement and reimbursement as being in the best interest of the branch. The foregoing right of indemnification shall be in addition to and not exclusive of all other rights to which the member of the board is entitled. ARTICLE XIX. AMENDMENT TO THE BYLAWS Section 1. Provisions of these Bylaws not governed by the Charter and Bylaws of the Association may be amended by a 2/3 vote of those present and voting at the annual meeting or any regular meeting of the branch, provided notice of the proposed amendments shall have been given at the previous regular meeting or in writing to every member at least two weeks in advance of the meeting. Section 2. Prior to being voted on, proposed changes to the bylaws shall be sent to the state bylaws chair for approval. Section 3. Amendments required by the Association to bring branch Bylaws into conformity shall not require a vote of the branch members, except that an incorporated branch shall take the necessary steps required by their articles of incorporation. Bylaws adopted September 25, 1993 Amended March, 1998 Last amended April, 2003
PARADISE BRANCH OF AAUW POLICIES & PROCEDURES and STANDING RULES Last Revised Spring 2009 GENERAL MEETINGS 1. Reservations or cancellations for luncheon or dinner meetings must be made as designated in Branching Out and payment made accordingly. No refunds will be allowed for cancellations. 2. Guests are welcome at all branch general meetings unless the board votes to close a meeting for a specific purpose. 3. Members and guests may attend meetings to hear the speaker without attending the luncheon or dinner. 4. If possible, each member should volunteer, or be ready if asked, to assist the Hospitality Chair for at least one general meeting each year. MEMBERSHIP 1. The board may decide, at its discretion, to extend invitations for guest membership participation to women, eligible for AAUW membership, who happen to be in the area due to special circumstances and for a limited time period, ie, on sabbatical, on an exchange program from another country, etc. PROGRAMS 1. The content of programs at general meetings should relate to the AAUW mission, with priority given to current issues. 2. Gifts or honoraria to speakers should cost about $10.00 to $12.00; any in excess of $25 require board approval. 3. Speakers will be reimbursed for travel expenses if necessary. Members will provide housing and meals as appropriate. BOARD 1. Officers and chairs should give highest priority to attendance at board meetings and report their absence, if necessary, to the president. A written report may be requested by the president. 2. Officers and chairs should develop or update a job description to include in these policies and to pass on to their successor. It should include a list of current policies affecting their position and an annual calendar peculiar to their area of activity for their successors’ guidance. 3. Policies of the Paradise Branch shall be reviewed in even-numbered years by a board committee appointed by the president and chaired by the bylaws chair. These Policies were last reviewed in the 2008-2009 Fiscal Year. 4. Additions and revisions to the Policies of the Paradise Branch may be proposed and voted on at the same board meeting. Approval is by simple majority. Copies of the minutes shall be provided to the bylaws chair in order that any changes may be reflected in the records. DUTIES OF BOARD MEMBERS 1. The president shall:
Suggested timing: Board meetings on the second Tuesday of each month except, December, June, July & August. General meeting each month from September through May. Membership coffee or brunch in the fall. Annual Meeting in April to elect officers, etc. Installation luncheon in May.
2. The president-elect shall:
3. The program vice-president(s) shall:
4. The special branch meeting committees shall: Short-term committees shall be formed to make arrangements for the fall and spring luncheons, the soup supper fund raiser and the annual holiday party.
5. The Education Foundation / Legal Advocacy Fund vice-president shall:
6. The membership vice-president shall:
7. The secretary shall: Record the proceedings of all meetings of the branch and the board of directors. Prepare the final draft of minutes to be submitted for review. At least two weeks before the next board meeting, email or snail mail the drafted minutes to the president for review. Incorporate president’s corrections/revisions into the final copy of the minutes. At least one week prior to the next board meeting, email or snail mail the final minutes to each officer and standing committee chair. General meeting minutes are made available to anyone interested at the subsequent meeting. Maintain the minute book for the branch and turn it over to the successor at the close of the term.
8. The treasurer shall: Collect all branch dues and money due the branch. Forward State and Association dues. Serve on budget committee; may act as chair. (See Finance Section.) Call meeting to prepare branch budget for approval by the board at the August planning meeting or the September board meeting and approval by the membership at first general meeting of the fiscal year. Prepare a budget-to-date report at the end of the calendar year. Act as custodian of all funds, securities and business papers. Keep an itemized account of all receipts and disbursements, disbursing money only as directed by the branch president or the board of directors. Maintain separate accounts for EF and LAF and Frances Pence Scholarship Fund. Pay bills only upon receipt of voucher/receipt signed by the person incurring bills. Be responsible for the branch enrolling in the state insurance program(s) so that the branch will be in good standing each year with recognition and voting privileges at the state convention. Submit a written annual financial statement at the annual branch meeting. Present a financial statement at each meeting of the board of directors, which is filed by the secretary. Ensure that branch financial records from previous fiscal year are reviewed or audited. Turn over records to successor at the expiration of term, but no later than August 1. Work closely with branch membership VP to assure accurate records. File necessary forms with Internal Revenue Service and keep abreast of state and federal tax regulations. Keep in touch with State treasurer
9. The public policy chair shall:
10. The bylaws chair shall:
11. The publicity chair shall:
12. The hospitality chair shall:
13. The education chair shall:
14. The international interests chair shall:
15. The Frances Pence Scholarship chair shall:
16. The newsletter editor shall:
17. The interest group coordinator shall:
COMMUNICATION 1. Members should be contacted via e-mail. Those without e-mail will be called through the telephone tree. 2. Each member is responsible for notifying the membership vice-president of changes in her street address, phone number, or e-mail address. 3. A directory shall be updated and published annually and made available for the membership at the October and November general meetings. Members wanting a directory must pick it up. The branch membership list shall not be given out or used for other than AAUW purposes; misuse of the directory information is a violation of AAUW’s Use of Name policy. This last sentence will be printed in the front of the directory. 4. The Branching Out deadline shall be the 20th of each month prior to the month that the newsletter is scheduled to be distributed. 5. The program vice-president will send information on the upcoming meeting to both the newsletter editor and the publicity chair by the 20th of each month. 6. The president will submit a column for each of the newsletters. Other officers and chairs will submit articles whenever useful or appropriate. Special interest group chairs will keep the newsletter editor informed of their groups’ schedules. 7. All articles will be approved prior to publication by the editor. PUBLIC POLICY / ACTION 1. Any resolution or action originating from a branch section or member must be submitted to the board for approval before release to the press or the general public, if said resolution or action is to be made in the name of the Paradise Branch. 2 The branch may endorse or oppose candidates for appointive office and non-partisan elective office, including submitting names or recruiting such candidates. The branch may not endorse or oppose candidates for partisan elective office. a. Before endorsing candidates for non-partisan elective office, the branch must determine whether election laws consider endorsement itself a contribution. In that case, the branch may not endorse candidates. b. In order to endorse or oppose any candidate, the branch must follow these procedures: (1) The board must decide to investigate the matter, appointing a three-person committee to do so. (2) The committee will contact every candidate to determine their position on issues relevant to the campaign and to AAUW programs and policies. (3) The committee will review the responses and make a recommendation to the board to endorse or oppose or take no position. The board will vote to accept or reject the committee’s recommendation. (4) If the board votes to endorse or oppose any candidate, the branch members will vote on the issue, provided at least two weeks written notice is given to all members before the vote is taken at the next general meeting. A majority of those present and voting carries the decision. c. If the electoral district includes other AAUW branches, endorsement procedures must be established by a majority of those branches. In a multi-branch electoral district, any branch choosing not to participate in endorsement will notify all other branches and the remaining branches may proceed. d. The branch may not contribute money, mailing lists, or anything else of material value to candidates for any elective office, partisan or non-partisan. e. The branch may not publish paid political announcements in the newsletter. 3. Policies governing branch activities for candidates are as follows: a. Before a partisan election, the branch may have candidate forums to which all candidates are invited. If three or more political parties have nominees for any office, the branch may limit invitations to the two parties receiving the highest number of votes in the last preceding general election. Candidates for a specific office may participate in the forum providing at least two candidates have accepted the invitation. b. The branch may invite a declared candidate in a partisan election to speak at a meeting on a subject of particular expertise, but not on her/his candidacy for future public office. c. Before a non-partisan election in which the branch has not endorsed a candidate, the branch may have candidate forums to which all candidates in that election are invited. Before a non-partisan election in which AAUW has endorsed a candidate, the branch may invite the endorsed candidate to speak at a meeting on her/his candidacy with or without inviting non-endorsed candidates. d. Whether or not a declared candidate in a non-partisan election has been endorsed by the branch, s/he may be invited to speak at a meeting on a subject of particular expertise. 4. All candidates running for the office to be covered in a candidate questionnaire must have the opportunity to participate. Any publication of responses to the questionnaire must include all responses in their entirety up to the specified word limit. The publication of responses should include the names of all candidates to whom the questionnaire was sent, but the publication may proceed even if not all the candidates respond. 5. Endorsement policy in no way infringes on an individual member’s rights to endorse, as a private citizen, candidates for partisan elective office, contribute her/his own money or anything of value to such candidates, and organize for the purpose of supporting such candidates, but such endorsement, contribution or organization cannot utilize the name of AAUW. a. Any AAUW leader who is actively involved in a candidate’s campaign should avoid involvement in branch activities that may give the appearance of AAUW endorsement of the candidate. b. As a candidate for any office, an individual member may state his/her AAUW membership as long as s/he is not opposing any AAUW program or policy. Stating one’s AAUW membership while opposing AAUW positions violates the AAUW Use of Name Policy. In the absence of official endorsement, such a statement of AAUW membership should not be construed to imply endorsement. NOMINATIONS 1. The nominating committee is appointed by the president with the assistance of the board. The committee shall consist of at least three members, the majority of whom are not officers. In March the committee will present a slate of nominees to the board for its information. Nominations will be published for membership information at least two weeks before the April general meeting. Installation will take place at the general meeting in May.
DELEGATES TO CONVENTIONS AND WORKSHOPS 1. The branch shall help pay the expenses of the branch voting delegates to the state convention each year. 2. The branch shall pay the expenses of the president to conferences or workshops as follows: registration fees or any other expenses at the discretion of the board. 3. The branch may pay registration fees or any other expenses for members attending workshops and regional meetings from the allocated budgeted amount or reserves at the discretion of the board. FINANCE 1. All money-raising projects shall be approved in advance by the board. 2. Branch financial records shall be reviewed at the end of each fiscal year. 3. Dues should cover all branch operating expenses, except the expenses for conventions, conferences and workshops may be covered by an additional fundraiser. 4. Fund-raising events that are advertised as contributing to the AAUW Educational Fund and Legal Advocacy Fund shall be used for these purposes. However, other funds raised may be used for branch operating expenses, local educational grants and to enrich branch programs. 5. Contributions to AAUW or the branch are not tax deductible to the donor. The AAUW Educational Foundation, Legal Advocacy Fund and Tech Trek, however, are classified as non-profit educational organizations and all contributions to them are tax deductible. 6. The Budget Committee, appointed by the president, should consist of the president, immediate past president and current and past treasurer and any other members the president wishes to include. 7. If the anticipated expenditure for any category of the budget is more than fifty dollars ($50) above the budget figure, board approval is necessary. 8. The budget committee shall present the proposed budget to the board for approval at the August planning meeting or the September board meeting. 9. The treasurer shall move to accept by vote of the general membership the proposed budget for the year at the September general meeting (Fall Luncheon). 10. The branch shall not contribute financially to any outside organizational drive. 11. The membership of the branch shall not be solicited for funds unless permission is given by the board. 12. The treasurer, the president or the president-elect shall be authorized to withdraw money and to issue checks against funds in the checking account. 13. It is suggested, but not mandatory, that the reserve account be maintained somewhere around $1500.00. The treasurer, president and president-elect are authorized to withdraw money and to issue checks from the fund, with two of the three signatures required for each transaction. FRANCES PENCE SCHOLARSHIP 1. Candidate requirements a. Must be at least 21 years of age. Must have been out of school for at least two years before returning. b. Must be a graduate of Paradise High School or a current resident of the Paradise Ridge for at least one year. c. Must demonstrate need. d. Must be currently enrolled at Butte College. e. Must submit letter describing educational plans and goals. f. Must enroll as full-time student with a minimum of 12 units. g. Must submit transcripts of previous college work. 2. Selection process a. Candidates shall submit application to scholarship committee, or if no committee to Butte College Foundation. b. Committee or Foundation shall select candidate of candidates depending on amount of scholarship money available. c. Top candidates will be interviewed in person by the committee or the Foundation. 3. Amount of scholarship and method of distribution a. The scholarship amount will be determined based on the money available and the number of acceptable candidates. The committee is encouraged to give each winner a minimum of $500. $1,000 scholarships are encouraged whenever possible. b. Upon proof of registration for 12 units, the scholarship shall be given at the beginning of the school year. c. If divided, the remaining half shall be granted upon receipt of the first semester grades and proof of registration for the second semester. d. It is recommended that the scholarship be awarded through the Butte College Foundation, which shall award the scholarship upon registration of 12 units. 4. Continuance of grant At the discretion of the committee, the grant may be renewed each semester thereafter until completion of training as long as the recipient meets the original requirements. The selection process must be repeated each year. INTEREST GROUPS 1. No special interest group meeting shall be held at the same time as a branch meeting, workshop, board meeting or a major fund-raiser. 2. Prospective members shall be encouraged to visit special interest groups to become acquainted with AAUW programs. Such visitors may attend a maximum of two (2) meetings of a given group. 3. Regular attendance in interest groups shall be limited to AAUW members and spouses. Under special circumstances the board may allow the spouse of a deceased member to continue attending an interest group. 4. The chair of each special interest group is responsible for keeping a current list of members I the group. Names of guests eligible for membership shall be forwarded to the membership vice-president. 5. It is the responsibility of the chair of the group to submit information on activities to the interest groups coordinator prior to the deadline (15th of the previous month). 6. It is the duty of all chairs to keep the interest groups coordinator informed of all committee meetings and activities other than those regularly scheduled and published. BRANCH RECORDS POLICY In order to maintain complete yet useful records for the Paradise AAUW branch, each officer or committee chair shall: 1. Keep a copy of documents and materials related to her position during her term of office. These include materials from the state and national offices, branch documents, working papers, sample documents and useful objects (raffle tickets, hospitality supplies, name tags, etc.). 2. Maintain the documents in some sort of organized manner – a three-ring binder, a compartmented box, file folder – using labels so others can identify the contents. Objects should be organized in labeled boxes. 3. Review files at least once a year and always before handing them on to her successor to be sure they are complete but not overlooked. 4. Remove documents and materials more than two years old unless historically significant or potentially useful. If uncertain, ask the past presidents’ group for help. 5. Discard all documents and materials kept by more directly relevant officer or chair; for instance, the newsletter editor and historian should copies of Branching Out, the treasurer keep copies of financial records, the secretary keeps copies of minutes – there is no need for others to do so.
Standing Rules Paradise AAUW February 2009 1. Reservations or cancellations for luncheon or dinner meetings must be made as designated in Branching Out and payment made accordingly. No refunds will be allowed for cancellations. 2. Guests are welcome at all branch general meetings unless the board votes to close a meeting for a specific purpose. 3. Members and guests may attend meetings to hear the speaker without attending the luncheon or dinner. 4. If possible, each member should volunteer, or be ready if asked, to assist the Hospitality Chair for at least one general meeting each year. 5. A yearbook/directory shall be updated and published annually and made available for the membership at the October and November general meetings. Members wanting a directory must pick it up. 6. Public statements or letters to the press referring to AAUW must be approved by the board before release to the press or the general public. This is required by AAUW’s Use of Name Polilcy. 7. Contributions to AAUW or the branch are not tax deductible to the donor. The AAUW Educational Foundation, Legal Advocacy Fund and Tech Trek, however, are classified as non-profit educational organizations and all contributions to them are tax deductible by the contribution. 8. No special interest group meeting shall be held at the same time as a branch general meeting, workshop, board meeting or a major fund-raiser. 9. Prospective members shall be encouraged to visit special interest groups to become acquainted with AAUW programs. Such visitors may attend a maximum of two meetings of a given group. 10. Regular attendance in interest groups shall be limited to AAUW members. 11. The chair of each special interest group is responsible for keeping a current list of members in the group. Names of guests eligible for membership shall be forwarded to the membership vice-president. 12. It will be the responsibility of the chair of the group to submit information on special activities to the interest groups coordinator prior to the deadline (15th of the previous month). 13. It shall be the duty of all chairs to keep the interest group coordinator informed of all committee meetings and activities other than those regularly scheduled and published.